[Up]Masters : Le choix est à vous ! - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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Update : 

Ajout d'un mot de passe afin de laisser uniquement les joueurs intéressés par le test des maps.

  • Password : mastersmaps

La Gamers Assembly approche, et il est ainsi temps de constituer le pack de maps des Masters 2013

Vous avez été nombreux à nous faire parvenir vos maps et nous vous en remercions !
Afin d'avoir le packmap idéal, nous vous proposons la même formule que lors de l'ESWC 2012 en vous offrant la possibilité de choisir les maps qui apparaîtront dans les prochaines lans Trackmania.

Mais ou puis-je retrouver ces maps ?

Rendez vous simplement sur nos serveurs en suivant ces adresses : 

J'aime beaucoup cette map, mais comment vous le faire savoir ?

Tout simplement avec le plugin Trackmania Karma, en cliquant sur "+" ou "-".

Jusqu'à quand puis-je voter ?

Vous avez jusqu'au Samedi 9 Mars, 21h pour nous faire part de vos préférences alors dépêchez-vous !


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>> Commentaires de l'article

#1 par Wally sur 25/02/2013 à 22:57
Once again, the worst choice admins could have done...
#2 par Sky sur 25/02/2013 à 23:34
#2 Because you're afraid if you're maps does not pass ?
#3 par wormi sur 25/02/2013 à 23:43
No. Masses just usually are wrong, they will chose the easiest, flowiest etc maps now. If there's a tricky corner in one it will be left alone :/

Stupid sexy admins.

#4 par Wally sur 26/02/2013 à 00:19
No sky, it's only because people can bring all their friends to vote for them. Plus, like wormi said, a lot of people loves easiest maps.
#5 par Minato sur 26/02/2013 à 01:01
Well, the easier the maps are the more suspense there will be for the spectators because there will be less fails and more decisions of just a hundreth of a second.
#6 par Wally sur 26/02/2013 à 01:18
I don't agree with this. If the players are good trained, there's no reason for a large gap between the player's time. To proove it, just look at this video, the track is extremely hard and the winner is not even decided by a 0.01, but by 0.00
#7 par Aura sur 26/02/2013 à 02:38
I agree with you Wally, but i think its a good think to involve the community too.
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
#8 par sho0ta sur 26/02/2013 à 03:19 Modifié 26/02/2013 à 03:21
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

#9 par maxil sur 26/02/2013 à 04:08
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=4191169#auto GOTCHA!
#10 par Wally sur 26/02/2013 à 06:53
Yes Aura, i agree with that too! Community has to be involved, but i just hope it will be involve the good way!!!
#11 par Jonthekiller sur 26/02/2013 à 08:43
We need to give a chance to the community to evolve, it's not possible if we make nothing. All people who make french LAN need to choose good maps because they will play these maps, not admins. If this try will not be successful, we will change the method the next time.
#12 par Gaétan sur 26/02/2013 à 12:29
I really do not understand this method ... You ask us to test 24 maps ? And give an objective opinion on it? It's just impossible, 24 maps allo !
Everyone will vote for the maps of his friends, or his teamates... For me it's the most unequal method to choose competitive maps, and for Masters more !...
#13 par Silver sur 26/02/2013 à 14:02
There is 35 maps for TMNF ... are you serious oO ?
How could we test so many maps ?
#14 par nico1001 sur 26/02/2013 à 14:08
What will be the map pack for SM ?
#15 par ludo77130 sur 26/02/2013 à 14:21
#13 : Do the same that Mania-actu's staff did before they gave us this opportunity to test maps ourselves
#16 par Jonthekiller sur 26/02/2013 à 14:33 Modifié 26/02/2013 à 15:09
You need to understand we aren't enough to make the best solution all the time. We work on so many things for the community and we need help to provide these. The time to test all maps (and we need to test on Canyon, Stadium, Storm) is the time to gain to work on some projects (GA, website, global mappack for Elite....). Maybe the solution will be to use the same packmap all the time like CS?You aren't forced to test the maps if it's difficult.If you want to purpose a best solution for this, go here : https://mania-actu.com/eng/recruitments We accept motivated people, who want to work with us on projects...
#17 par Wally sur 26/02/2013 à 15:36 Modifié 26/02/2013 à 15:37
I know this has nothing to do with the subject here, but since Nadeo announced that there will be a tm² stadium tournament at GA, the maps we have done here on TMNF will be compatible with tm² stadium? :O
#18 par Jonthekiller sur 26/02/2013 à 16:22
For the GA, the maps will be compatible I think, and if it will not, we will copy maps on tm² or convert if needed.
#19 par Wally sur 26/02/2013 à 16:48
Ok, if we '' copy it '' can the author copy his own map(s) ? :O
#20 par Jonthekiller sur 26/02/2013 à 17:33
Author or us if needed.

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